Basic Details
Name: Invatoria
Pronounced: In-va-toria
Age: Middle Aged
Birth Sign: The Warrior
Gender: Female
Body: Thick & Stocky
Scent: Herbal & Smoke
Height: 5'10
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Lips: Thin
Skin: Lightly tanned
Voice: Gruff
Race: Orc
Piercings: Ears
Markings: Burns across much of her body
Home: Vvardenfell
Occupation: Servant
Physical Description
A relatively average Orc in most regard. Her only defining feature being her significant burns. Even though they have long since healed they still stand out significantly against her lightly tanned skin. Despite their marring effect they don't seem to bother the orc.Four little hard nub-like horns protrude from her forehead that she often adorns with a beaded bit of jewelry. Seeming to favor a more ritualistic sort of attire as opposed to anything else.Like most of her kin she holds a rather thick and stocky frame. Though her hands seem rather small and dainty. Making her exceptionally skilled at highly dexterous endeavors.
Who is she?
A gruff and often grumpy woman, Invatoria was saved by Miuo after she was badly injured in an attack. Left to die from her wounds, Miuo found the dying woman and saved her. Through the act the Orc has remained loyally at Miuo's side. Often seen around Miuo's boarding house. Fulfilling various roles and ever being at the bosmers disposal for what's needed.
Basic Details
Name: Mao'zi
Pronounced: M-a-Ow-Zee
Age: Unknown
Birth Sign: The Warrior
Gender: Male
Body: Thin & Athletic
Scent: Ash & Blood
Height: 5' 5
Hair: Redish Brown
Eyes: Black
Lips: Full
Skin: Ash Grey
Voice: Seductive
Race: Daedra
Markings: Black fluid-like markings that reach every orifice
Home: Unknown
Physical Description
Mao'zi is a thin male of very average height. If not for his horns one might mistake him for a dunmer given his ashen skin. Keeping his hair is dreads the daedric male often takes to wearing dark armor with fine red silk-like attire beneath it.His markings stand out curiously, making it look as if he met rather violent ends. The black markings resemble blood pouring out of every orifice.
By no means one of immense power he often relies on those who summon him to shield him from reprizal of his actions before he scampers off back to where ever it is he came from. Waiting for his next chance to cause trouble.
Mathiu Olgar
Basic Details
Name: Mathiu Olgar
Pronounced: Ma-tu
Age: Middle Age
Birth Sign: The Warrior
Gender: Male
Body: Muscular
Scent: Musk & Fur
Height: 6'
Hair: Black
Eyes: Ice Blue
Lips: Full
Piercings: Septum, Nose bridge
Voice: Reserved
Race: Nord
Markings: Nearly his entire body is covered in an ornate tattoo pattern, racial scars of cuts
Home: Skyrim
Physical Description
Mathiu is quite the nord specimen in build. Unlike most nords many come across Mathiu keeps his hair and facial hair rather neat and tidy. While he keeps his body covered most of the time when revealed his body is a tapestry or tattoo work. A complex continuous design that covers nearly every bit of him. Except for his neck up, hands, and feet.
Who is he?
An adventurer, Mathiu seeks out thrill and excitement. Motivated by the hunt and reward of gold at the end of a long adventure, Mathiu often spends his means on his own finery. Preferring high-quality garments, a night of fun at a tavern to hoarding away his wealth for a rainy day. Making him ever chasing that next means of gold.
Misu Masu
Physical Description
Misu is a rather thin khajiit, though by no means weak. Nimble and swift she moves with ease and deathly lethal nature with her claws. Her fur is almost pure white, save for the dark eye patterns that she often further enhances with dark feathers she attaches to her lashes. The fur atop her head is kept in dreads that she wraps up loosely atop her head.
Manon Moreonin
Matsai Maren
Physical Description
Matsai is an undead skeleton and has been such long enough that there is no trace of flesh left on his bones. He rarely goes through much effort to conceal such as he rarely reveals himself to others. When forced to he sometimes clads himself in smooth stone in the form of armor.
Physical Description
Pale silvery-white scales adorn the argonians form. Each glistening beautifully like polished ivory. A woman of pride Micutzi rarely ever appears without a scale, thread, or scuffed shoe out of place. Large dark slitted eyes track all around her appraisingly. Her long tail kept still and lowered to not ungracefully knock something over or hit a passer-by. While she may lack hair, or feathers she makes up for such with beautiful hats that could rival any ornate hair styling any altmer could construct.
Joun Bazul
Basic Details
Name: Joun Bazul
Pronounced: J-un
Age: Ancient
Birth Sign: The Warrior
Gender: Male
Body: Muscular & Stocky
Scent: Decay & Smoke
Height: 6'3"
Eyes: Bloody White
Skin: Leathery & Pale
Voice: Gruff & Dry
Race: Orc
Vampiric Bloodline: Noxiphilic Malvoria (Custom)
Markings: Raised bones & veins
Physical Description
Once little more than ash and bone, Joun has been restored. Brought back from death. Though not entirely whole. The vampire now looks more like a corpse than the vampire he was. Leathery-like flesh and reinforced bones and eyes void of pupils or iris. Though the white look stained with blood. More resembling a monster than the orc he was, Joun seems to have a new violent disposition to match his new monsterous appearence.
Who is he?
A relative hermit, Joun is known to few. His only known family being his adoptive daughter Miuo Toska. Having been dead for years he is known to few, only recently brought back by Miuo and her allies. Joun remains relatively secluded to the crypt he now calls home. Occasionally skulking about at night to meet his daughter or hunt for prey to feed.
Discord: #Miuo
Game Account: Princess_Miuo
Server/Platform: PC-NA